S.N.O.W. – And then the rain

Un’altra uscita del nostro duo.

Another track by our improvisation duo.

S.N.O.W. is
Federico Mosconi: electric guitar, various effect processing
Mauro Graziani: Max/MSP laptop

And then the rain

S.N.O.W. – Il Ghiaccio Sottile della Tua Fragile Mente

Un primo assaggio del nostro duo di improvvisazione (quasi) totale che vi proponiamo così come è uscito in una sera di maggio.
Un brano basato su un ostinato di tre note su cui si muovono sonorità più o meno lontane che, nella mia mente, evocano suggestioni nordiche e laghi ghiacciati.
Rilassatevi e ascoltate. I commenti sono graditi.

A first taste of our duo playing improvised music.
On a three notes riff, sounds comes from away and disappear like visions in the cold landscape of a frozen lake.
The piece is proposed as we improvised it some days ago. No further elaboration.
Relax and listen. Comments are welcome.

S.N.O.W. is
Federico Mosconi: electric guitar, various effect processing
Mauro Graziani: Max/MSP laptop

Il Ghiaccio Sottile della Tua Fragile Mente



In 1982 I created a free improvised music duo with the guitar player Roberto ‘Zoo’ Zorzi. The iconoclastic group activity last for some years, cutting down and destroying all melodic & harmonic structures and developing a more sound oriented music.
We mainly worked by processing simple sounds and creating an ever-changing and magmatic audio stream by mean of a long delay line (5 to 10 secs) made by two tape-connected revox machines.
Some melodic or harmonic fragments appear on this music, but are very soon destroyed, wasted or changed by my AKS synth used as sound processing machine working on the looped material (not on the source sounds, see schema below, starting from green callout and proceeding clockwise).
So our works were full of ghosts of a refused past and omens, like ruins from which we began building something new.

Disgraziani! was our first work. The piece was first performed on an art gallery about June, 10 1982. This is the original recording. The title refers to the not-easy listening to our music. When I ask Zoo to find a title, he said “Disgraziani! is the word the people will shout while listening to this music”.
A word for non-italian people: Disgraziani contains my name but is very similar to the italian word “disgraziati” that means “fallen in disgrace” and, when shouted to someone, means “criminals, addicted to anti-social activity” and so on.

Year 2022 will be the Disgraziani 40th birthday.

Graziani/Zorzi – Disgraziani! (1982) – Free improvised music by Mauro Graziani synth, electronic devices, loop control & Roberto ‘Zoo’ Zorzi electric guitar, devices

That Goodbye

That Goodbye è una elaborazione del primo verso tratto dalla poesia “Do not go gently into that goodnight” di Dylan Thomas, letto dall’autore e tratto da una registrazione d’epoca.
L’idea di questo brano è di mettere a punto delle tecniche tali per cui la parola via via si “consumi” diventando lentamente puro suono.
Ora, una delle cose che mi hanno sempre affascinato è l’eco. Ma l’eco è una ripetizione (quasi) identica all’originale. In “That Goodbye” invece, ho adottato delle tecniche di elaborazione per cui l’eco ritorna modificato sempre di più ad ogni ripetizione.

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Floating in a silent bubble

Note for non-italian readers: here in Italy, August 15 is traditionally vacation. Cities turn into void bubbles of silence and peace. No people call. Even phones are silent.

Floating in the silent bubble of August 15 in a city that seems to be totally still. Swinging in my hammock in a desert quarter, this seems to me the proper music. It is a piece by me, composed in 1980 as furniture for a void flat.
I play on the piano short random-generated diatonic groups of notes (from 1 to 6 notes each). Each group is played one time only. A 6 seconds echo repeat and mix the notes building melodies, form, rhythm and eventually emotions.

Mauro Graziani – Morning Grill (1980) – for piano and delay