UBU Web is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.
All materials on UbuWeb are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
Originally focusing on Sound Poetry proper, UbuWeb’s Sound section has grown to encompass all types of sound art, historical and contemporary, mainly from Fluxus era (sixties to seventies).
From there, I suggest 2 musical works with graphic score:

  • Morton Feldman – The King of Denmark (1964) Max Neuhaus realisation. A very soft piece for percussions all played in ppp in the peculiar style of Feldman’s production of the sixties.
  • Cornelius Cardew – Treatise (1963-67) once described as the Mount Everest of graphic scores (193 pages of numbers, shapes and symbols whose interpretation is left up to the performers) played by the Scratch Orchestra at the Cardew Memorial Concert in 1982.