In memoriam György Ligeti

Come è giusto i tributi sono molti. YouTube rilancia il video originariamente trasmesso da arté (la TV culturale che si vede ovunque in Europa tranne che in Italia) con l’esecuzione del Poema Sinfonico per 100 Metronomi.

There are many “in memoriam” tributes on the web. On YouTube you can see the arté video of the Poème Symphonique pour 100 Metronomes.

György Ligeti is dead

I don’t like to carry bad news. Two days ago the composer György Ligeti (age 83) is dead in Vienna.
IMHO his most important and innovatives works are the compositions of sixties, starting with Apparitions (1959) to the Double Concerto for Oboe and Flauto 1972), through works like the Requiem, the Cello Concert, Lux Aeterna, Lontano, Ramifications, the Chamber Concerto, Melodien.
In this works Ligeti completely abandons the traditional melody, harmony and rhythm to create a musical flow made by clusters, chords and sound masses that seem to be still but live by an inner micropolyphony. A sound texture on which rhythm, harmony and micro melodies are melted to create an ever changing timbre, using traditional instruments to create sounds that resembles electronic textures.
Other Ligeti’s works are important in the music history, but the emotions that I feel when I first listened this music in the ’70 (I was about 20) are the things that I really like to remember.

György Ligeti on Wikipedia